Article 1 : Obesity May Risk of Ovarian Cancer

The newspaper inform to us about an obesity may risk of ovarian cancer. According the newspaper, the grouping obese women have a higher raise risk of ovarian cancer than their thinner. Ovarian cancer is really danger it have vague symptoms to detect early. An addition, the women never used Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) because the obese women had an 83 percent higher risk of ovarian cancer that normal weight women did and HRT can reduce of ovarian cancer. Not altogether the obesity to contribute of ovarian cancer because it may have to do effects of excess body fat on a woman’s.

Than, for whose age 18 years old and higher have raise risk of ovarian cancer later in their life. This is because in life obesity and ovarian cancer have a relationship each other. To all women’s in the world, they must to take care of weight so that to get a good healthy in their life.

Article 2 : FDA urges people to avoid peanut butter products.

The newspapers talking us about Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) is one organization having authorities to urges people to avoid peanut butter products. The organization have a authorities urged consumers to avoid eating cookies, cakes, air cream and other foods that contain with peanut better. This is because an entirely foods relate peanut have a deadly outbreak of Salmonella Contamination. The Salmonella Contamination is a bacterium on food and can someone sick such as cramping and fever. So, the people should carefully to buy products peanut butter so that, don’t happen on their problem foods.