Article 1:Today's Travellers

Archaeological vacations you’ll really dig

Archaeological always interconnected with pottery, fossils, bones and tools. It’s also connected with an ancient, scientist, or another person that love and excited with natural sciences. Ordinary, the places that archaeologist most there like in deeply seas, caves, and the site that numerous of history. In this case, who was going after on an archaeological vacation, they can get a hand dirty while also contributing to culture. The travelers or volunteers can get plenty of artifacts or collect oral histories from area that they dig.

According to Walker, a good dig almost has a high ratio of trained, degreed professionals to participants. In my opinion, archaeologist is more to research and delve about archaic that it is called history, now. And I think, it’s not to be a problem if the person who doesn’t have an experience about archaeology want to follow and digs together because curiosity, determination and open-minded is more important. Besides that, something that we don’t get in another vacation or travel will be earned on an archaeological vacation. Hence, I must be interested in archaeo-trip if I have a chance to follow because it’s difficult to get this opportunity and the experience is very valuable.

Article 2: Family Life

Why are identical twins different?

What are identical twins? What is the similar of identical twins? And what are the differences with fraternal twins? Referring to the article that the title “why are identical twins different?”, identical, or monozygotic, twins produce from a single egg/sperm combination that splits a few day after conception. Identical twin almost of the same gender, because of one fertilized egg (ovum) splits and develops two babies with exactly the same genetic information. While the fraternal or dizygotic twins are from two eggs (ova) are fertilized by two sperm and produce two genetically unique children. Moreover, fraternal naturally different between each other and don’t look alike because of they are produced by the separate of egg. And identical twins are different because of environmental influences and epigenetic, however.

For me, identical twins exactly look alike, and just their parents know about differently. But, if we delve more about twin, we can get more information as we don’t expect about that as well as have numerous distinguish in the personality, interest and their appearance. Every family can get twin easily if they are already twin, have either identical or fraternal twins, or have siblings who are twins, actually. As a conclusion, although identical twins was produce by same egg, but they are also have their own characteristics and grown up with goal individually.


